All Alone

Denis left a little while ago and should be taking off soon for his trip to Dallas, TX. It’s me and the kids for the next three days and four nights. No biggie – since I’m not a stay-at-home mom, my sanity should remain intact.

The house is a mess. The kids have brought out literally every single toy they own to play with today. You think I’m kidding. I’m not. I’ll post pictures once the kids are in bed.

The weekend hasn’t been a total waste. Yesterday we took the kids to the annual Clover Scottish Festival. It wasn’t as crowded as I figured it would be (given the amount of press this thing was given I expected about over a thousand people in attendance – it was more like several hundred). The kids got a pony ride, time on a moon bounce, a couple hotdogs and an icee. They watched a border collie herd some sheep and watched some girls “do ballet” (as CootieGirl called it). Early on we found the Robertson tent and talked with them for a while. CootieBoy bought a Scotland soccer ball and CootieGirl bought some shiny rocks that I’ll try to find someone on Etsy to make into a necklace (I’d ask my sister, but I don’t think she can drill into rocks at this point in time).

Once we got home from the festival CootieGirl and I went to the pool. It was really cloudy out and not exactly hot, so I figured the pool would be pretty empty. Turns out, we were the ONLY ONES THERE for over an hour. Us and the three lifeguards. It was comical. Surprisingly, the water was actually pretty warm and we had a good time until the rain came and drove us outta there.

Denis and I watched a couple movies the past couple of nights. Both good, and both will be reviewed tonight or tomorrow. Today was church (the music went REALLY WELL) followed by an afternoon of PLAY PLAY PLAY. I’m currently working on the second load of laundry and am also in search of our record albums since Denis and I finally got around to hooking up our new record player converter that turns your old albums into electronic WAV files. We also finally got our scanner hooked up again so that we can scan things like CootieGirl’s drawings of her family.

I’ve been working on organizing my paintings for the art market on June 21. After church today I went to Target and bought a huge tote on wheels for easy transporting of the paintings. I saw two tables there but didn’t think they were what I saw online, so I didn’t buy them. Turns out they ARE what I saw online, so I have to go back sometime soon and buy them. They only had two on the shelves, so hopefully when I got back they will have more there. I’ve spent part of the day sealing my paintings and have got about a dozen of them in the tote for safekeeping. I also got word from Mom that one on of the ACEOs sold at her open house this weekend, so she’s bringing all those tea paintings back with her on Thursday when she drives through on her way to Atlanta. I’m bummed that nothing else sold, but I’ve reactivated them all at Etsy and also hope to sell some at the art market in a couple weeks.

And that’s about it. The kids are each having a piece of Angel Food Cake and once they are done it’ll be time for bed and I’ll get to spend the rest of the night relaxing. Can’t wait.

05 comments on “All Alone

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    Three of my pieces sold at Mom’s open house. I was bummed and then realized that THREE OF MY PIECES SOLD! Woo!

    I’m only now realizing all that I need to bring for the show in September – Somehow I thought I’d just bring my jewelry, but the table and display stuff is needed, too.

    So I guess I’ll by buying some stuff with my meager profits.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Jen – I’m looking into a location that may have tables included in the price of rental. It’s also a cheaper space than the hotel I was looking at ($400 vs. the original $700). I’m just waiting on a call back from that facility – if tables are included, then I’m booking it.

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    Even if the tables aren’t included you should book it. I have a table that I can bring – so does Mom.

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