AI5 – Not Too Shabby

Last night I watched both eppies of this week’s American Idol. CootieGirl was with me for the ladies, and she votes for Katherine McPhee to win the whole thing. I’m not even kidding – CootieGirl was spellbound during her entire performance and wanted to see it again when it was over. “What’s HER name, Mama?” she asked me about halfway through. “That’s Katherine. Do you like her?” “Yyyyeeeesssss….”

CootieGirl HATED Mandisa, which I told her was going to be tough, since I LOVE Mandisa. “No! Not that one!” CootieGirl cried as I turned up the volume on Mandisa’s performance.

Favorite line of the night: I’m a mink! That’s my new catchphrase.

CootieGirl went to bed before the men’s live show came on, so she can’t comment on her favorites, but I think she’d pick Ace Young because he looked hot in that hat last night (I swear he read my post saying he looks infinitely better in that had and should never take it off). My personal favorite performance was Taylor Hicks. I continue to LOVE LOVE LOVE him.

Note to Kevin: Don’t EVER sing that “Starry Starry Night” song again. You looked pained singing it, and I was pained to hear it.

My picks to go home:
Women: Melissa (which makes me sad because I like her voice) and Kinnik, who was awful.
Men: Kevin and Will (which makes me sad because he has a nice voice too)

03 comments on “AI5 – Not Too Shabby

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    I’m going to try to watch the guys tonight. I can’t wait to see the whole thing of Taylor – the snippet I saw on F&F this morning was awesome. I love him!

    I like Mandisa a lot, too.

    Do you think Pickler is really that naive or just dumb?

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    My votes from the beginning have been Katherine and Taylor. Love them both.

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