Adapting and Adjusting

So…coronavirus.  Amiright?

Not much else to say on that.  Well, there’s a lot I could say, but I won’t.  Be safe out there, y’all.  And stop hoarding toilet paper.  But if you do hoard it, and find out your neighbor is about to run out, please, for the love of all that is good, give him a roll or two.

The kids are home from school for the time being, and today began Day 1 of homeschooling themselves.  I’ve told them they need to screenshot and text me all their work throughout the day and show that it has been turned in.  CootieBoy already sent me one screenshot, and CootieGirl is currently logged into her 9 a.m. History class to hear the lecture and take notes.  So grateful that I have high schoolers that can handle this themselves while I go to work.

Speaking of work, starting today I have a modified work schedule.  2-3x a week I’ll be working from home as my company tries to limit the number of people in the office each day.  My office only has 13 people, and we were given the edict that only four people should be in the office each day, two of which being admins.  Well, today is the first day and we currently have 7 of 13 people in the office, which another on the way.  So much for reducing staff in the office.

Fortunately, even though we now have over 50% of our people here at the moment, our office is laid out in such a way that we’re all separated by at least 20-30 feet at all times.  Each consultant has a large office (at least 16×16) with a door.  We admins sit in a big open area, but our cubicles are about 14×14 (nice, right?) AND we have a printer/supplies area dividing the four admin spots in half.  As such, our exposure to each other is highly unlikely – even moreso in my case because the admin spot next to mine is currently unoccupied since that admin left the company late last year and we opted not to fill the position.

The big vacation that CootieBoy and I were going to take in April has been canceled.  We were supposed to go to Orlando for a day at Disney, a day at Universal Studios, an afternoon with some friends, followed by a 3-night Disney cruise.  Fortunately, I was able to get refunds AND Disney Cruise is allowing us to reschedule, so we’re looking at going in April 2021 instead.  CB was very disappointed, but he understands that it is completely out of our control.  I’m thinking about taking him somewhere for an overnight this summer (coronavirus willing) like Busch Gardens or Kings Dominion in Virginia.  We’ll see what happens.

That’s all I have for now.  If you feel like it, comment below and let me know how you are doing.