Ace’s Place

So this weekend Ace had a shindig over at his place for a few folks from the old Buffy board that we used to be a part of (well, *I* used to be a part of – he may still go there). He had about a dozen people over for bbq and good times. As always when visiting Ace’s house there was plenty of food – so much that his fridge was filled with TONS of leftovers after the Saturday bbq!

I took CootieGirl and CootieBoy with me, and they were really well behaved. CootieBoy took a shining to all the ladies and flashed his dimple at all the important moments (read: when a new woman was holding him). He only fussed when he got tired, and after about 15 minutes of crying in the TV room he fell into a soft sleep for about an hour.

CootieGirl did really great considered there were NO other kids there, NO toys to play with, and the only people she knew were Ace and me. At some point we turned on “Shrek 2” on the tv and she sat contentedly watching while I helped Ace get the stuff ready for the bbq.

The only bad part came when she threw up on Ace’s rug just as Val and her mom arrived at the festivities. Val comes around the corner and :puke: there goes the banana and juice CootieGirl just ate all over Ace’s kitchen rug. Fortunately I think it was just due to her inhaling the banana as opposed to eating it slowly, because she was fine after that. Poor little thing.

Once I got that mess cleaned up we all went outside for the food that Vampy was cooking up – we had burgers, hotdogs, salmon burgers, potato salad, beans, pasta salad, and chips. Dessert included chocolate chip cookies, rice krispie treats and brownies. I told you there was a LOT of food.

After the bbq portion I left with the kids after doing some cleanup in the kitchen while some of the folks went for a walk at the reservation by Ace’s house. CootieGirl had gone without a nap and the minute we got to the end of Ace’s block she was passed out in her car seat.

I arrived home around 6:15 p.m. and put CootieGirl to bed (she stayed asleep the rest of the night), gave CootieBoy to Denis and took my own 90 minute nap. At that point I drove back out to Ace’s to hang out for a while sans kids. It was fun to get to know Dave T., who came despite not knowing ANY of the other folks there. He’s also coming to my poker brunch this weekend and claims that he’s a really good player. We’ll see…

Anyway, it was a fun day over at Ace’s house and I’m continually amazed at how simply gorgeous his house is. It had been so long since I’d been over there that I forgot how truly wonderful it is with all the work they’ve put into it – the floors are divine, the paint colors and magical, their new dining room chandelier is downright majestic, and their taste exquisite.

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