A Year in Thirty Days – My Challenge

So I’ve been thinking more about this 30-day commitment thing that I have started to lose weight. And I’ve decided that instead of doing it just for the goal of losing weight, I’m also going to do it just in life in general. I’m also going to challenge you guys to do it as well.

I’ve created a page specifically outlining my year-long plan, on which I will keep track of my various 30-day goals from December 11, 2007 through January, 2009. As I said on the page, some of those duplicated 30-day commitments may change as I come up with new ideas. Feel free to comment here if you have an ideas of things that could be done for a 30-day challenge throughout the year.

At the bottom of that page I’ve put in a meme tracker for those who want to participate in this year-long challenge as well. This way we can keep track of and encourage each other and our commitments.