A Stay at Home But Be Busy Day

I’m home from work today, here to answer any questions the landscaper might have about the yard clean-up project for which we’ve hired him. And when I say “yard clean-up” please do not envision a slightly overgrown lawn with some weeds in the mulch beds.  That would be too kind.

We have one whole section that in 2014 was pristine and gorgeous (we paid a pretty penny that summer for a backyard overhaul), but we’ve let it go to seed (literally) and now it’s a forest.  So we’ve hired a landscaper to come in and clean it out and get it back to what it looked like in 2014.  Since I’m not outdoorsy and know that yard maintenance is not my thing, I’ve decided to save the money each year so that they can come back every fall and clear out any overgrowth and get it back to rights, instead of letting it languish for five years to the point it annoys the neighbors and becomes verdant with all kinds of unidentifiable plantlife (and the wildlife that comes with it).

Part of my day will be spent cleaning (I just vacuumed the first floor (yay me!)), part of my day will consist of continuing to look for a side hustle (I’ve applied to several and received no call backs – at this point I’m not above working part-time at the nearby grocery store bagging up other people’s stuff)), and the other part of my day will be continuing to put things in place for a PODCAST IDEA I got this week (so excited about that one).  My first task of the day was mowing the front yard (which I did much earlier this morning (our mower is electric and VERY quiet so we can mow any time of day or night without worrying about waking the neighbors (it’s so quiet we can hold a conversation in almost normal decibels while it’s running))).  <– wow, a triple paren – when is the last time I had one of those?

I also really need to clean out the home office.  This room is kind of the “catch all” room and when we need things out of the way, we dump them in this room.  However, it is also where I have my desktop computer, which is what I use at home while the rest of the family use their laptops.  I’m a Luddite in that I prefer a desktop.  But it’s gotten to the point in this room where it feels borderline like a hoarder room. Granted, it’s a very small room (maybe 8×8) and we have a ginormous desk in here along with a dresser, two file cabinets, two rolling chairs and a cabinet that has a TV on top.  There’s very little floor space.  So when you begin putting things in the room to get them out of the way, it becomes very cluttered, very full, very quickly.  In my head I know it would only take 45 minutes or so to get it cleaned up, but it’s the type of project for which I need to be in the mood – and I have yet to get in the mood.

UPDATE: I have a before/after picture of our landscaping project. He’s not done – he’ll have to come back next week to do the rest, but in one day he did a great deal. Before (see I wasn’t kidding when I said it was a forest):




