A Splendid Halloween

Mr. BIL let me leave 20 minutes early today, so I got home in plenty of time for trick or treating with the kids. Our neighborhood doesn’t really get going until it actually gets dark, so we hung out setting up a table and chair in the driveway. After a couple younger kids came by with their parents I went ahead and took the kids.

CootieGirl was dressed up as Tinkerbell. CootieBoy was a fireman (there was debate for weeks about whether he’d choose to be a fireman or a princess riding a unicorn – it really could have gone either way). CootieGirl was having fun until she approached a house that had someone jumping out to scare kids. The guy jumped out just as CootieGirl was approaching with some big kids, and it terrified her so she came running back to me, tears streaming. After a few quick hugs of reassurance, we passed that house and continued on our way.

At around 7:45 p.m. I took over for Denis, who had been passing out candy since 6:30 p.m. at the house, while he took the kids to the other section of the neighborhood. Around 8:15 p.m. I ran out of candy. I kept getting groups of 10-15 kids, and at three pieces of candy each, it went quickly. So I closed up shop and turned out all the lights.

When the kids got home with Denis we poured out all the candy on the table and went through everything – we really only took about about 1/10th of the candy they got – stuff like taffy, jolly ranchers, the occasional piece that was poorly wrapped. They were very pleased with their haul and after they ate two pieces we scuttled them off the bed for the night.

All in all a good night!! Pictures to come!