A Short Reprieve

So the weekend didn’t go too badly. The zoo was PACKED yesterday. And I mean PACKED. As in there were NO PARKING SPACES and I waited 30 minutes to get a spot. Not even kidding. Then, because Denis had our pass, we had to wait in line (another 20 minutes) to show my id and get in that way. BIG BUMMER.

We stayed for three hours before heading home. It was very hot yesterday and at about the three hour mark CootieBoy started getting grumpy, so I whisked them away to the car so that they could pass out on the way home.

This morning we had church and then my uncle Jack came over to take us to lunch and give CootieGirl some birthday presents. She and CootieBoy are even now as I type happily finger painting and coloring in her new books, and have been doing so since she opened the gifts a couple hours ago.

Denis is due home in the next 30 minutes or so, and will be home until tomorrow afternoon at which time he leaves for his next trip, this one to Dallas, Texas. He’ll be there through Thursday afternoon.

CootieBoy has had a few minor meltdowns, but they were easily resolved through two-minute timeouts and then all was well again. The kids have gotten along really well this weekend, which was a treat since I was by myself.

One comment on “A Short Reprieve

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    So glad things went well. Thanks for letting your husband come up to help me out with my website. You know he is a prince, don’t you? Am trusting the rest of the week goes as well.

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