09 comments on “A Riddle For My Sister

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Nope, I am not pregnant. But someone my sister and I both know by a certain nickname IS pregnant – and due in February!

    I am NOT having another child. Why do you people not believe me????????????

  • Tara , Direct link to comment

    People don’t believe me either. Luckily, I don’t care!!!

    I was just teasing you anyway.

  • Lila , Direct link to comment

    Jaynee, if it’s not you, are you going to tell us who it is? You say, NOT having a third child? I thought you would consider it after you moved to SC???

    ; )

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Lila – I will NEVER consider having a third child.

    I have a friend from college that I call Cakes – I’ve called him that for over 15 years now. Cakes and his wife (nicknamed, appropriately, Wifey), are due in early February with their first little tiny cupcake. I’m very excited for them.

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    That’s a great riddle! I was completely stumped. Very exciting news about the coming cupcake!

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    Odd that you would be excited about someone else having a child but wouldn’t consider it for yourself? I would love three, but that would put me back to square one in having a life of my own again. No can do. The best to Jen and baby Jesse (and Beau). Welcome home!

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    I guessed it right away and I don’t even know “Cakes” personally.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    It’s not odd at all to be excited because someone is having a baby. I’d be just as excited if I DIDN’T have kids. And I DID consider it for myself – I have two, don’t I? *lol*

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