2018 was a pretty interesting year, all things considered.
I started a new job that gave me a panic attack in the first week because there was so much to learn and for the first time in my working life I felt completely inadequate. But slowly but surely, I settled into a nice pace, and the people were wonderful, and the environment was good, and so I grew to love my job in this first year. It is not without its hiccups – even in a small 13 person office there are power struggles and off-the-wall decisions – but I still love my job and am glad I made the change. The year culminated in a meeting with one of my bosses who laid out her plan for my future with the company – one that is very promising and exciting. 2019 will begin with me spending a week in our Atlanta office sitting with our CEO’s project coordinator to learn a bit more about her role and how I can fold that work into what I do now, with the goal of me becoming the first project coordinator in the NC office. That role fits with my skillset – I’ve got project management in my background – and the NC office needs that kind of organization. My other boss and I will work closely in 2019 to create that role with an eye on possibly promoting me in 2020.
After being laid off in 2017, Denis was able to secure a job in early 2018 and enjoyed the lack of drama and easy work involved. There’s no telling what 2019 will bring for him, but 2018 has been a good year in that for the first time in a long time he felt appreciated at work – something that was lacking at his old job for a good long while.

This year was also momentous because CootieGirl got her learner’s permit and began driving!! She still has not gotten her license because she needs more driving time, but she’s got 4 more months to get in the time necessary to qualify (according to SC law) to test for her license. For the most part she has done well behind the wheel, and I recently told her how proud I was of her for passing the written test on her first attempt because I have a co-worker whose daughter has now failed three times to pass the written test and get her learner’s permit.
CootieBoy had his own successes, starting high school (and doing really well) and earning his black belt in TKD after three years of study. He is now taking a year’s sabbatical and will return to TKD at the end of 2019 in order to earn his 2nd Dan blackbelt before he finishes high school.
We sold our ancient van, bought my parents’ Highlander, and totalled it in a snowstorm all in the span of six months. We then began the car-hunt to find a suitable replacement once our insurance company told us how much we’d be getting for the totalled vehicle. Last night we finally picked out and purchased a new-to-us vehicle. For the first time in my driving life, I own a Honda! We found a 2014 Honda CR-V EX-L and both really liked it. So now we own it!
I spent 3-4 months experiencing physical ailments from bursitis in my shoulder to tennis elbow. CootieGirl and I went to dozens of movies only to quit MoviePass this summer when they locked down our ability to go see ANY movie.

I became obsessed with Peter Kavinsky and continued with my obsession with all Hallmark movies (but with a new appreciation for Hallmark’s version of Jimmy Stewart: Kris Polaha). CootieGirl and I FINALLY got to see “Hamilton” after our 3-years-long obsession.
I took a whirlwind trip to PA to see my cousin get married. In November. Outdoors. In Pennsylvania. That girl has GUTS, you guys. An outdoor wedding in November in the northeast? That could have gone all kinds of sideways! Instead it was a lovely wedding and a nice getaway. We also spent a day in Pigeon Forge, TN this summer and the kids and I once again attended Gallifrey One, this time with my sister.
I started listening to podcasts (I know, I’m way behind the times) and found several that I really enjoy, such as Deck the Hallmark, The Good Place, Seincast, and Feathers.
I look forward to what 2019 has in store. In addition to my continuing job prospects at my company, there’s a trip to England for CootieGirl and me in April, at least one Elton John farewell tour concert to attend (we have tickets to two shows in 2019), a long weekend in NYC for Denis, and who knows what else! I’m sure that much like 2018, it’ll be a bumpy ride with a mix of the good, the bad and the ugly, but in the end, it’s still all about the adventure.