A Holiday In Some Parts…But Not So Much Here

I’m at work today. It isn’t a holiday that my company acknowledges. However, I get Good Friday off in April, which will be weird as that’s never been a holiday for me ever in my working life.

And it figures that the one morning I’m required to wake up is the morning that CootieBoy DOESN’T crawl in our bed, and isn’t even awake at 8 a.m. In fact, BOTH kids were snug in their beds this morning at 8 a.m. as I was busy getting ready for work. That NEVER happens. Usually at least one of them is up at 7:15 a.m. (that being CootieBoy for the most part). How DARE he sleep until after 8 a.m. when I’m not allowed to?

In other news, it’s gonna be a busy week here at work because Mr. BIL is out all next week, I’m out the week after that, and then Mr. BIL is out again the week I get back. So this is crunch time as Mr. BIL tries to get just about everything done before Friday.

In addition to that, I’m singing at church on Sunday, so I have band practice on Wednesday night. And Friday night is a cocktail party for Denis’ RE company that we’ll be attending. Busy busy busy!!

One comment on “A Holiday In Some Parts…But Not So Much Here

  • ali , Direct link to comment

    i’m at work today too…but mostly because i live in canada and we don’t have presidents here!

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