A Do-Nothing Day

Today was a do-nothing day once church was over. After working hard yesterday I found that I just didn’t have a lot of energy. Combined with that was the fact that the kids needed constant monitoring today since Denis was out with a client.

However, tomorrow we’re on a Home Depot mission. We’re getting some trim cut for the attic, we’re getting the red paint for the front door, we’re getting new closet doors for the master bedroom and we’re possibly buying a new fabric awning to go over the front door. And since it’s so nice now I’ll most definitely hit up the local flower nursery and do some gardening in the front yard. Oh, and we have to finish painting the trim on the stairs as well. Busy day tomorrow!

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A “Do Nothing” Day

I had plans to do a lot things today, but as of 1:54 p.m. I’ve done none of those things. No gym. No manicure. No walk at Brookdale. No grocery store. No bath for CootieGirl.

The only things I’ve managed to do: Make up more bottles for CootieGirl. Eat lots of M&Ms.

On a side note, I got back my medical tests for our latest insurance policy. I’m relatively healthy, but my cholesterol is a bit high. Over 200. It’s not as high as Denis’ turned out to be, but still higher than 200, and I don’t even eat White Castle Sliders like Denis does.

Good thing I’m on a diet plan to lose weight (M&Ms notwithstanding). I’m sure that’ll help my cholesterol level go down. Right?

11 comments on “A “Do Nothing” Day

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    That’s it! Ace and Anthony are taking that candy jar home with them on Thursday. You have no self control. I just eat poorly, but when I put my mind to it I can cut anything out. And that’s what I plan on doing. Hope you’ll join me.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Denis – at least I’m still putting the M&Ms in my WW journal – so I AM counting the points. As long as I’m counting the points, we’re okay. and everyone is allowed one cheat day – this is mine, although technically it’s not since I’m counting the points.

  • Daniel , Direct link to comment

    hey jaynee,
    i too have been trying to stay fit (watching what i eat, going to the gym etc). but it has been hard a times. especially with all things carbo. pastas, rice, desserts. can’t seem to stay within the desired limits.
    it’s good that you’re keeping a journal of what you eat. i might have to try that. that might help me limit my carb intake. anyway, stay strong jaynee! 🙂

  • Chewie , Direct link to comment

    M&M’s are definitely an important food group 🙂

    Daniel, I find cutting out the carbs difficult, too. Not that I don’t want any, but most of the foods I love are full of carbs (bread and pasta). But I find that making smoothies from scratch cuts out a lot of that while giving me my daily intake of fruits & veggies. And they taste great, too.

  • Richard , Direct link to comment

    Umm i love white castles but what are sliders?I have to drive almost to Nashville to get them,Its about 4.5 hours from our house here in Georgia

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Richard, “slider” is the nickname for their burgers – because of the digestive result of ingesting them.

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    Better question. Who’s Farid? Otherwise, CootieGirl is our darling baby. Welcome to NYC whoever you are. Enjoy the mist.

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