A Bit of This, A Bit of That

CootieGirl’s car is officially hers – yesterday I got her paperwork done at the tax office and DMV, and the car now has license plates, is insured, and is paid for. Now the job hunt gets serious because by adding her car to our insurance it went up AGAIN and now she’s gonna owe me a fair amount of scratch each month going forward. She has applied to a couple jobs and tonight will apply to a few more that we found online. Let’s hope she finds something by the time school ends in a few weeks.

Song of the moment is this one:

Our worship team played it at church a couple weeks ago and it has been on heavy rotation ever since. Most people probably know the Johnny Cash version, but Molly Skaggs is tremendously good.

CootieGirl’s cat, Cocoa, is slowly warming up to us. She’s still VERY skittish around us but last night she actually came all the way down the stairs to explore the first floor of the house. I told CG it may take a month or two for Cocoa to truly feel comfortable around the house, much less around us. Fortunately, all her interactions with Dobby the Dog have been excellent and I think they’ll get along very well. I just need Dobby to telepath the message to the kitty that, “Hey, these people are really nice and they will love you like you wouldn’t believe so give them a chance – you won’t regret it. And hey, I want to be your best friend, too.” He can do that, right?

For those who have been wondering where our latest Great British Bake Off effort has been, we’ll be hopefully trying our third recipe this weekend. We went through a period of time where every weekend had something going on and didn’t leave us with the 4-5 hours to try the bake. But this weekend is mostly free and clear except for church on Sunday, so we should be able to try a recipe. I had hoped macarons were on the list, but alas they are not, so I couldn’t talk CG into trying to make them. Instead, I think we are going to try the tuiles from Season 4.

There’s three weeks left of the school year. CG is doing well and is on target to get some of her best grades yet, as long as she can bring up her one elective class grade (which is harder than she anticipated). CootieBoy, on the other hand, is struggling for the first time since 2nd grade. Part of it is laziness (not turning in homework) and part of it is genuinely hard classwork (his AP Human Geography class). He took his AP Exam yesterday and we’re hopeful he gets a passing grade on it so that he can get credit for the class (which means one less class he has to take in college). Currently he is grounded due to the low grades, and he has been very bored and miserable the past couple of nights at home. Last night while CG and I watched a movie on Netflix, he and I played cards and talked about “what careers make the most money?” We talked about a few professions that make decent money, which then led to a discussion about emerging monopolies in healthcare. Never thought that would be a discussion I’d be having with my teenage son. *lol*

That’s about it for now. Next week Denis heads to NYC for his annual guy’s weekend and then in June school ends, we take a long weekend trip to Pigeon Forge, and I turn 50.