We Added a Third Driver to Our Auto Policy

For the past couple of years, CootieGirl has expressed next to no interest in learning how to drive. None. Zero. Nada. Zilch. It was as though she imagined herself a New York City girl, taking public transit or walking long blocks to get where she needs to go. Reality is she lives in a suburb that relies heavily on car transportation to get to just about everything.

A couple months ago her feelings on driving changed. “Mama, I think I want to get my permit once I turn 15.”

Oh really.

I printed out the 200 page driver’s manual, found an online practice test, and told her to get to work. Finally, last week CootieGirl turned 15, and in our state that meant she qualified to get her learner’s permit. She had been taking the practice tests sporadically at that point, and felt confident about passing the written test. I had a day off last week and so I picked her up from school and took her to the DMV to take the test. She passed by the skin of her teeth. Out of 30 questions, she got 24 of them right.

Right then and there she wanted to practice driving, so I drove over to our church’s huge parking lot and let her have at it.

Let’s just say that I’m going to have to replace my brake pads a lot sooner than normal. And possibly invest in a pre-emptive neck brace of some kind.

I kid, I kid. Sort of.

We’ve been out 3 times since she got her permit, and she’s definitely getting comfortable with some things. She can turn left like a pro.

However, she needs to remember that the brake is her friend. It’s her friend approaching stop signs, when making right turns, when turning around in a cul-de-sac, and when pulling into the garage. It’s her friend when parking the car, or pulling out of a parking space, or going over speed bumps.

But like I said, she can turn left with the best of them. Those turns she has nailed down 100%.

I’ll admit I’m a bit of a backseat driver (Denis HATES having me as a passenger when he drives), but I have to say I’m keeping my cool teaching CG how to drive. I’ve only reached for the “oh crap” handle a few times here and there. It helps that she’s mostly driven in parking lots.

I just added her to our auto insurance today and miraculously, it did not go up. Apparently until she has a true license – meaning she’s driving alone without supervision – they won’t punish us for having a teenager driver. Who knew? My wallet says thank you (for now)!