Let’s Hope This One Falls Through Too

So, I know that President Obama has had a difficult time with those political appointments he keeps making since taking over. Seems some of those folks have had to back out for various reasons. Let’s hope this guy doesn’t make it as Deputy Attorney General. Why? (italics mine)

One of the leading legal defenders of pornography has been David Ogden, a lawyer who can only be described as a First Amendment extremist, who has even argued against laws against child pornography.

President Barack Obama has nominated David Ogden as Deputy Attorney General of the United States. This nomination is both ominous and dangerous. Given David Ogden’s high visibility in defense of pornography, this nomination sends a clear and unmistakable message. The pornography business will have a friend in high office in the Department of Justice.

Very. Scary.

One comment on “Let’s Hope This One Falls Through Too

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    Scary indeed. Call or write your Congressman and Senators.

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