Landmark Weekend

Yesterday was a momentous occasion – and not because of the SuperBowl. Nope, yesterday was the day that CootieGirl lost her first tooth! See Exhibit 1 below:


The bottom middle teeth have been lose for a few weeks, and by yesterday afternoon I knew that one, if not both, would be coming out in mere hours. Sure enough, at some point in the late afternoon she came running over to me, “I was playing with it, and it just kind of came out.” She showed it to me, and people – it’s the smallest tooth EVER. Seriously – are all baby teeth that small? Cuz this thing is seriously small.

I oohed and aahed over it for a minute or two, then took it from her lest she play with it and lose it.

We celebrated after dinner with some chocolate cake. Admittedly, I made the cake “just because,” but it seemed like the perfect way to celebrate this latest milestone in her life.



Last night as CG went to bed, we opted NOT to put the tooth under her pillow because CG is a mess when she sleeps. And she’s also the type of girl that would play with the tooth long after the lights went out, causing the tooth fairy some consternation upon arriving and being unable to locate the tooth! So instead we put the tooth in the lap of Senor Bunny in her wicker chair.

I then raced out to the local Rite Aid to pick up some glitter. My friend Beth had told me about the idea for spreading “fairy dust” to show that the tooth fairy had been there. I thought that was a GREAT idea, and fortunately Rite Aid had what I needed. After CG had fallen asleep, I snuck in, sprinkled the glitter, swapped out the tooth for four coins, and left the room.

She was very excited this morning and showed me her coins and fairy dust. But apparently the tooth fairy shouldn’t have dug out the coins in the dark hallway, because she accidently pulled out a coin token for the carousel at the zoo. *rolls eyes*

In other news, Denis caught Freddie the Cat lounging on the landing upstairs. Now, that in itself isn’t newsworthy, but when you consider who Freddie was lounging WITH, well – you can see below.


Freddie can’t stand Cooper the Dog, but apparently the ceramic pug is a-okay in Freddie’s book.