The way Mr. BIL has been working today it’s almost like he wants to leave early. We had a list of 4-5 things he wanted to get done today and he has been working like wildfire to get ’em done. I just finished the last task.
It has been a nice busy day – I like days that are consistently busy without being overwhelming. The day has gone very slow, which kind of sucks, but in that regard it has helped in that we haven’t felt the day getting away from us.
A couple nights ago he had hoped to leave early and go for a run but didn’t get to because a chatty client called right at 5:45 p.m. He was still on the phone with her when I left at 6:30 p.m. The weather is beautiful today so with any luck he’ll plan on going running TODAY and since it’s Friday it’ll mean I get to leave early too. That would ROCK!
Despite all the work I was also able to clean up my area a bit – I had our facilities guy take away a huge box of files that could be put back into central filing. That alone helped declutter my desk considerably.
In other news, today was a NICE payday. I got the bonus check deposited and immediately moved it over to my “house projects” savings account. And my regular paycheck (which did NOT include OT) went up $80, which was more than I was expecting. I guess because of the way I have my taxes set it I ended up receiving more of the raise money than I figured. However, the good times only last until January, at which time my 401(k) contribution goes up by 2%, effectively taking away most of the extra take-home pay I am getting now after my raise. I just have to keep reminding myself that I’m contributing more now to my retirement than I have in my entire life (yet one more mistake I made as a college graduate – not contributing to my 401(k) plans).
No joke – I’m EAGER to teach my kids how to be responsible with money. To start a Roth IRA the day they start their very first job and automatically put in 10% of every paycheck. Another 10% to savings without even thinking twice. 10% to tithe with a happy heart. And then live life to the fullest on the remaining 70%. Don’t live outside your means. Plan for your future retirement even at 16 years old.
Tangent! *lol*
So anyway, my cubicle is clean. Carry on.
Update at 6:29 p.m.: So much for that. We are still working and I may even be late! He’s on a roll and is trying to get EVERYTHING out all of a sudden! He and I just spent 20 minutes doing online searches with the local register of deeds to find documents to use in court next week. And now he’s drafting an email to co-counsel so I’ll be here a while. *sigh*
You do realize that the day they start their jobs, they should open a 401 K as well as a Roth IRA account, right? Do you know the difference between the two?
Amy B – one would stand to reason that yes, with any luck they’d start a 401(k) with their first job. And yes, I know the difference between the two. However, it might be easiest to have them start the IRA on their own at 16 years old to get in the habit of contributing a part of their paycheck, and then they won’t even think twice about joining a 401(k) when they find their first permanent job post highschool/college – especially if their employers match a % of the contribution.