The Home Stretch

We’re in the home stretch until Mr. BIL leaves for his weeklong vacation in Costa Rica, and he’s lurching into Panic Mode. I have no idea at this point if I’ll be working late to do all the last minute stuff he is churning up, but it’ll be a fun few hours.

In other news, I reactivated our Netflix account today. I got an email saying that the service was doing away with the multiple list option, so while I was in a lull this morning I removed about 50 movies from my list and loaded up Denis’ list of movies into mine. So we’re back down to a 500 movie list. I’ve moved about 20 kid-friendly movies up to the top of the list and for the rest of the summer the kids will always have at least one kid-friendly movie to watch from Netflix (I’ve alternated the kid titles with the adult titles).

Okay, I have to go cover the front desk’s afternoon break. Later!