Wow…Quick Day!

The day was long, and yet it sped by. Does that make sense? Mr. BIL didn’t really get cranking with the work until 4 p.m., and yet the day didn’t drag by. We did quite a bit in the morning but it wasn’t overwhelming at all.

I didn’t go to lunch until 2 p.m. because of that, so when I came back from lunch at 2:45 p.m. it was kind of like, “Wow – my day is almost over!”

I like days like that.

My prediction: the minute I walk in the door, CootieBoy will cry out, “I wanna play Indiana Jones, Mama!” Let’s see if I can change that over to “I wanna go to the pool, Mama!” because it was over 100 degrees today and I bet that pool water is like warm soft butter right about now.