Oh my word…what a weekend

Folks, it is not often that I can come to this site and say I had an epic weekend, but this past weekend?  EPIC.

No, it wasn’t the fact that our quarterly bug spray service came and circled the outside of my house three times with spider-killer (dust AND granules) because I told him I had arachnophobia and was sick of finding spiders in my house now that the weather was finally starting to cool down.  Although that was epically awesome and appreciated.

No, it wasn’t because I got to watch brand new Hallmark Christmas movies on Friday and Saturday nights (reviews can be found at my other site, Hallmark For All Seasons).  Although that was epically amazing.

No, it wasn’t because I went to the grocery store and picked up the most delicious pumpkin bread I’ve ever had in my life.  Although that was epically appetizing.

No, it wasn’t because I finally thawed out the Original Racine Kringles (Bavarian Creme and Chocolate Chip) that I bought a couple months ago to kick off this upcoming holiday season.  Although they were epically incredible.

Nope, it wasn’t any of those things.

The reason I had an epic weekend was because on Saturday evening, this fangirl got the opportunity to talk to her #1 favorite Hallmark actor, the incredibly charming Kris Polaha, on the phone for about 10-15 minutes.


C’mon – I can’t say it was the best day of my life because my husband and children would be VERY offended (I’m combining the birth of both my children into one experience because once you’ve done it once, no big deal *lol* (I love you, son!)). But third best? Oh yeah. Absolutely.

So…how was YOUR weekend?

02 comments on “Oh my word…what a weekend

  • NanP , Direct link to comment

    How exciting!!! Details, girl! How exactly did this come about? I’m guessing he didn’t dial your number by mistake.

    • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

      Wouldn’t that have been a fabulous coincidence? No, I was viewing/participating in a live event with the Hallmark podcast that I listen to the most, and while he was on the phone with those guys, they took calls. I dialed that number lightning fast in order to get on the phone with him.

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