A Busy Week Leads to No Posts

Man, apparently when I’m not talking about Hallmark I don’t have much to talk about.  Sorry for the absence this week, folks!

Truly, though, it has been a busy week.  Why is it that I’m 50 years old and have suddenly decided to pick up a couple hobbies?  First I decided back in September to do the Friday Five Podcast (episode 10 comes out tomorrow), and now last week I decided to branch off all my Hallmark stuff from this blog and create a Hallmark movie blog and attempt to actually turn that into something fruitful.  I now have three Twitter accounts that I have to manage and keep straight, as well as a couple Facebook pages/groups.

Today I’m actually home from work because upon arriving at the office I found out our server was down, and not likely to be back up until this afternoon.  They are laying fiber down on our street and cut our data line.  The rep that came out to check said that it would be a couple hours for them to arrive on site and begin digging, and another hour to splice the lines back together.  And that was his shortest estimate.  When our office manager heard that he told all the folks that were there to pack up and go home for the day.

I’m going to take advantage of the relaxing morning and try to clear my Tivo a bit.  The Hallmark Countdown to Christmas hasn’t even started yet (it starts tomorrow night) and I’ve already got 16 Christmas movies on my Tivo because I’ve been recording older stuff.

As for the fam, the kids are doing well – they had their latest orthodontist appointment this past Monday and things are progressing nicely.  They don’t experience pain after their appointments anymore, which is good.  And they’ve gotten used to their dietary restrictions as well.  But I’m sure they can’t wait to get them off by the end of 2020. *lol*

CootieGirl is continuing to work on the weekends and still plans on sticking with that company in 2020.  She has enjoyed the independence that comes with having a car and a job and even regular bills to pay (insurance and gas).  She is such a responsible girl (and yet that responsibility does NOT transfer to her room – her room always looks like a tornado hit it).  CootieBoy has taken the practice test a few times to get his learner’s permit but has yet to get a passing grade.  I’m really hoping he can get his learner’s by Thanksgiving, but we’ll see.

I’ve got some travel coming up.  The first weekend in November I’m driving up to Virginia to celebrate the 50th birthday of a friend of mine, and then the following weekend my podcast co-host and I are heading to New Jersey to attend a Hallmark convention with the hopes of all promoting the podcast a little bit as an added bonus.  We’ll see how that works out, but my co-host Lori has already said she is prepared to see me be a crazy person at this convention.  And she just might be right.

The one thing I have NOT done this year, despite all my best intentions, is work on my Christmas light show for the house.  In the end, I decided to just put up the light same show as last year, but we’ll swap out the lighted animals we used last year for a completely different batch this year (since we have 70-80 of them, that’s not hard to do since we only put out about 30 last year).  With any luck in the early months of 2020 I can set aside some time to work on programming a few songs to include new elements in the yard (I REALLY want to do RGB mini trees) with the plan to purchase the controller for the RGB lights in the post-Christmas sale.  We’ll see.

And that’s it, really.  Not much, right?