Answer Today’s Friday Five Questions for November 15

Be sure to comment below with your answers to today’s Friday Five:

  1. Have you ever starred in a school play?
  2. Have you ever been to see stand up comedy?
  3. Have you ever walked out of a theater before the film was done?
  4. How many remote controls do you have in your house?
  5. What was your first car? (or what would you like it to be??

Please do answer below – it won’t be any fun if no one shares and it’s only me playing the game!

As for me:

  1. Have you ever starred in a school play? I played “Cinderella” in a fourth grade for-the-class-only production.  I only got the part because in the 10 minutes before “auditions” began I learned all the lines for that part.  In college I participated in a one-act play, playing a literary agent who was not a fan of her client’s latest book.  During that same year I ran sound for the other plays being put on, and that began my love for technical production in general.  Starting in 2002 I began assisting with sound production at my church in NJ (as well as being in the band), following by sound production at our church in SC in 2006 (as well as being in the band and helping with video production).  As of today I only help with video production, running lyrics for the band once a month.
  2. Have you ever been to see stand up comedy? Many, many times.  I love comedy in general and have seen a lot of comedians perform live over the years.  Ones I can recall off the top of my head: John Crist, Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Gaffigan, Anthony Clark, Henry Cho, Jeff Dye, Kathy Griffin.  But there are many, many others I’ve seen that I just can’t remember at the moment.
  3. Have you ever walked out of a theater before the film was done? Before the movie was over?  No.  But I did demand my money back after seeing “Se7en” and “Fight Club,” two movies that I hated when I initially saw them.  I have appreciation for “Fight Club” now but I still say “Se7en” was a terrible movie.  And my sister can tell me whether or not we left BEFORE “Criminal Law” (starring Kevin Bacon) ended or not.  We saw that in college and I believe I asked for my money back on that one too.  She’ll correct me if I’m wrong.
  4. How many remote controls do you have in your house?  A lot.  But not as many as we used to have. Our main tv system only uses one universal remote – it used to need 4 (DirecTV, Roku box, receiver, blu-ray player).  Upstairs that tv only uses one remote but there’s a second remote for the DVD player that is hardly ever used.  The office has a TV with two remotes – one for the tv itself and one for the digital box.  The guest bedroom has a couple remotes – one of the tv and one for the digital box.  The kids each have stereos in their rooms that have remotes.
  5. What was your first car? (or what would you like it to be)? I bought my uncle’s chocolate brown 1973 Plymouth Duster when I was in high school and I LOVED THAT CAR.

What about you? Time to answer these softball questions and help me get to know you! Comment below…

02 comments on “Answer Today’s Friday Five Questions for November 15

  • Cristan , Direct link to comment

    1. I was a witch in Macbeth in 4th grade (because that’s a normal 4th grade production….) and a shipwrecked showgirl in The Crazy Mixed Up Island of Dr Moreau in 6th grade. Then my acting days were complete.
    2. Yes I’ve seen a few stand up comedian in Atlanta in my younger years, but none of them were really noteworthy or memorable.
    3. Never walked out of a theater before the movie was over but got really mad at a date for taking me to some David Lynch movie. Maybe Lost Highway…?
    4. I’m not sure how many remotes we have, maybe 5 for 3 TVs
    5. My first car was a 1994 1/2 (I always cracked up at the 1/2) Black Emerald Nissan Sentra that I bought myself my sophomore year in college

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