Work Update: I’m Pretty Awesome

Yesterday I had a little meeting with our company’s “head of admins.”  It was just a check-in on her behalf, to see if I needed anything or had any concerns.  I told her all was well but I admitted that at any given time I’m only working at 20-30% billable capacity for my bosses.  She was surprised and asked why that was.

“Because I’m very good at my job, and am able to handle my workload quickly and efficiently.”

She asked how my billable time could improve, and I outlined my plan to pretty much become my boss’s shadow and take as much off his plate as I could, and slide it over to MY plate instead.  Even if I took everything I could grab from him, I’d still likely only be at 70-80% capacity because I’ve been able to weed out a lot of the chuff already, and have streamlined a lot of things in the 18 months I’ve been here.

She liked my answer.

She then went on to say that I’ve been a valuable asset to the company and that everyone only has lovely things to say about me and my work ethic.

I like those kinds of meetings.