Mere Ounces

Half a pound gone from yesterday – only have half a pound more to go. That’s OUNCES people. I have mere OUNCES to lose by tomorrow morning. That is AWESOME.

Today CootieGirl has a friend over to spend the night (a post-birthday sleepover). We picked up Little Miss M this morning at 10 a.m. and promptly hit the road for the zoo in Columbia. It was a LOVELY day – the weather was hot, but not unbearable. The crowds were decent, but not overwhelming. The three kids were excited, but not too difficult to manage. All in all a fun afternoon. On the way home I asked each child what their favorite animal was that they saw at the zoo. “Cow!” CB yelled. CG thought for a moment then said, “Goat!”, which Little Miss M agreed was also HER favorite animal. “We drove an hour so you could be most excited about the cow and the goat?” I asked incredulously. “What happened to bears, tigers, monkeys, sea lions, sharks and giraffes?” Denis said, “We should have just driven them by a local farm and been done with it.”

The rest of the day/night will be pretty low-key. Denis has taken CootieBoy to the store so that the girls can play for a while without him interfering (boy do I remember those days of interfering with my sister when she had friends over – so I understand CB’s need to participate and I’ll be sure to give him some extra attention this evening to make up for the girls pushing him away). The plan for tonight is to watch “Alvin and the Chipmunks” while eating pizza, maybe make cupcakes (that’s Denis’ idea), and then get in PJs and go to bed.

We’re meeting up with Little Miss M’s parents at the late service at church tomorrow, so we’ll sleep in, have pancakes for breakfast and then head to church.