This Weekend Was All About CG

Y’all. This weekend was a WEEKEND. So much going on – in particular for CootieGirl.

1) CG got her hair cut. She had been growing it out but decided to chop it all off again, so now it’s super-short like it was when the school year started. That was the one good part to her Friday.

2) CG went to the dentist. It did not go well. Let’s just say the dentist read her the riot act and kicked CG’s butt into better habits (since apparently motherly riot acts are to be ignored). And by “better habits,” I mean we had to get a special prescription strength toothpaste this weekend. Ugh.

3) CG failed her driver’s skills test on Friday afternoon. She hit the curb a couple of times while parallel parking, went over the speed limit, didn’t use her turn signals early enough, and basically messed up just enough that she failed. She was not happy, and I felt really bad for her because her practice all last week went so well. We’ve rescheduled her exam to take place after we get back from England and will spend the days before our trip doing more practice until she’s parallel parking like a pro and using her turn signals so early that people think she accidentally left them on (not really, because I’m sure using them too early would cause her to fail too).

4) CG got Jacob’s ashes back. We picked up his urn from the vet’s office and they did a great job with his paw print ornament (which she promptly put on the year-round black Christmas tree in her room) and inscription on his urn (I’ll choose to ignore the fact that they did not put a space after Jacob’s name on the first line, even though that drives me crazy).  The fact is, the urn is lovely.

5) CG helped me pressure wash the back patio over the weekend. She and I get the same amount of satisfaction seeing the immediate difference to the concrete when you run the water over it with the pressure washer. I did about 2/3rds of the patio and she did the remaining 1/3. It looks SO GOOD. Next up will be pressure washing the outdoor rug as well as the furniture covers. And then we have about 30-40 bags of mulch we need to put down that we never put down back in the fall.

6) Yesterday CG and I decided to go to the movies and opted to see “Hotel Mumbai” which I had not even heard of until she mentioned wanting to see it. A quick check online to see what it was about and I decided we could go. It was a very well done movie and I recommend it (you can probably wait for it to be available via streaming though – not sure it was worth paying movie theater prices to see it).

7) CG told me a couple of her school pals know about Cootiehog, in particular my Fake Boyfriend list.  Apparently at least one friend of hers was dissatisfied with my list, since it did not have Sebastian Stan on it (he plays Bucky “Winter Soldier” Barnes in the Marvel movies).  I have since updated my list to show his addition (because I agree he should be on it), but when making the edit noted that I do have a few Marvel men on my list.  Don Cheadle (from Iron Man), Mark Ruffalo (Hulk), Idris Elba (from Thor) and Paul Bettany (Vision) – they were all on my list already.  Heck, I even have Neal McDonough, who played one of Captain America’s WWII buddies in the first Captain America movie (although he’s on the list because of his work as Buck Compton in “Band of Brothers”). So, CG’s friend, clearly you were wrong.

In other news, CB was so jealous of a fleece blanket that CG and I made for her a couple of weeks ago (she calls it her grief therapy blanket since we made it the day we put Jacob down) that he demanded I make a new one for him.  We went online and he picked out the fleece pattern he wanted, and I finally got around to making the blanket last night while watching “American Idol” and “The Walking Dead.”  I miss making those blankets (I used to sell them on Etsy).  I have plenty of fabric and may make some small ones to donate to the local animal shelter.

Lastly, we’ve decided we want to get another cat.  CG really misses having a cat to cuddle with.  When we get back from England, and after her driver’s test, we will go to the Humane Society and let her pick out a new kitty cat.

And in between all this other stuff, I managed to clear out my Tivo a bit, watched some basketball (even though with the Tennessee loss I was completely out of contention on all four of my brackets), and relaxed more than a bit.

I think this coming weekend will be the next GBBO baking experiment.  We haven’t done one in the past few weeks so we’re overdue, and we have nothing scheduled for this Saturday at the moment.  So look for that hot mess in the near future.

Featured Image by: Jason Cowling