You Are So Far Past The Line, The Line Is Just a Dot to You*

* a hearty handshake to the person who recognizes this line from a great TV show AND can name the character who said it.

So, I weighed myself five times this morning. You wanna know why? Because it showed a 1.5 pound loss from YESTERDAY. I was so shocked that I kept weighing myself in different ways to see if it was just a fluke or the real thing.

I stepped on it gingerly, trying to be as light as possible (those who weigh themselves regularly know what I’m talking about). I stepped on with force, trying to make myself as heavy as possible. I stepped on like I normally do – just like a regular Joe. I did that a couple more times and each and every time it showed the same number. 1.5 pounds gone in 24 hours. That’s AWESOME. That far exceeds my expections of how much I’d lose this week (thus the title of this post).

So I’ve now lost 4.5 pounds since my last doctor appointment. If I can lose another 1.5 pounds by next Wednesday, which was my goal last week, then I will be very satisfied. Not only that, but if I lose 1.5 pounds by next Wednesday, it will mean I’m only 4 pounds away from my goal of losing 30 pounds before our Disney trip. At that point I will have almost a month to lose that 4 pounds before the trip.


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