I’m Cranky, Y’all.

I know we’ve all had those days when we’ve woken up and we’ve just been CRANKY.  I’m having one of those days, folks.  It didn’t help that last night I woke up just after 1 a.m. and just could not turn off my brain.  I finally gave up at 2:15 a.m. and went downstairs where I sat, wide awake, until at least 3:30 a.m.  Dobby the Dog came down and joined me and while he was able to sleep in the recliner, I was not even remotely tired.  I thought about turning on the TV, but my glasses were up on my bedside table and I didn’t feel like trudging up there to get them, so I just surfed my phone.

By 3:30 a.m. I was sick of myself and determined to sleep, so I headed back upstairs, but I do know that I looked at the clock at least once – and saw it was about 4 a.m. – before finally drifting off to sleep until my alarm went off at 5:50 a.m.


I got to work, where a new employee is starting.  Now, normally in offices there are enough people employed there that any new person is a mere blip on the radar (general introductions and a quick “welcome!”, but since our office is set up like a giant fishbowl, with only 14 people (two of which are out today), you can see/hear everything that goes on.  And while the new employee is probably a lovely woman, she walked in at 8 a.m. this morning WAY more chipper and perky than I needed her to be.

My crankiness continued when I got a box delivered in my name at work this morning and it very clearly was something ordered by our IT department (which is housed in another office in the US) and shipped to me without anyone bothering to tell me that something was coming.  That in itself is not what bothers me – I don’t mind signing for packages.  It’s the fact that the IT guys never bother telling me what is being shipped and why.  I currently have three boxes in my work area, all with my name on them, all clearly meant for IT issues, and yet I’ve to receive a single email from the guys in IT telling me what they are for.  And lest you recommend that I contact them to get the answer to my question let me assure you:  I HAVE.  MULTIPLE TIMES.

To cap it off (literally), I have a dentist appointment this afternoon to have my permanent crowns applied on a few old root canals.  The appointment was supposed to be last week, but it got cancelled.  You know what also got cancelled?  My daughter’s appointment to plan for next year’s classes at school.  Oh, and also HER dentist appointments got cancelled last week as well, and rescheduled for MARCH because dentist offices don’t like to have hours that are convenient for working parents or kids in school.


And what’s sad is that this weekend was a pretty good weekend.  On Saturday CG and I went to see “Glass” at the movies, which we both enjoyed more than we thought we would.  She is taking an elective this summer where she has to watch movies with a more critical eye and then write reviews of them.  “Glass” was her first pick to watch and review (she loved “Unbreakable” and “Split”).

Then on Sunday I worked in the church nursery all morning and had a great time with the little ones (one in particular has stolen my heart and I told his parents as much when they came to pick him up – I will be sad when he moves up to the “big kids” class in a few months).  After that I finally was able to get outside and vacuum up the leaves that have been patiently waiting for me – every time over the past few months that I’ve finally had time to do it, it has been raining!  Weather and time finally cooperated and I spent a quick 30 minutes vacuum mulching all the leaves from our back patio and putting our patio furniture back where it belongs.  Then I was off to my church life group for a couple hours before heading home for dinner and the game.  So it was a good, productive, relatively relaxing weekend.

But lack of sleep last night brought in the cranky, and I’m not having it today.  My day was made slightly better by the fact that my favorite podcast had a new episode today that I was able to listen to on the way to work.  And improved again a little bit ago since we brought in BBQ for lunch to celebrate the new employee’s arrival and my brisket was PERFECTLY cooked.

But I’m still cranky and it will only be reinforced by my dentist appointment this afternoon.

When I get home I just might go straight to bed.  And hope I wake up in a better mood tomorrow. Bah humbug.

03 comments on “I’m Cranky, Y’all.

  • Pop , Direct link to comment

    Next time, try a spoonful of peanut butter. The dense protein will cause drowsiness. Don’t just gulp it down, nurse it a bit until it’s all gone. Magic.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    I’ll keep that in mind next time – although hopefully the “next time” won’t happen for quite some time!!

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