And How Is That MY Problem?

Mr. BIL is now officially driving me nuts. My quiet morning has turned into chaos. I’ve talked before about how messy his office is and how he misplaces or loses things all the time. Just now he came out to MY work area and said he couldn’t find a fax that a client sent several weeks ago. He asked me to look through my stuff.

I did, and as expected I didn’t have ANYTHING related to that client on my desk. The only thing *I’VE* handled is pulling the client’s folder from central filing while Mr. BIL was on vacation and putting it just inside his office on the floor, per his request. Other than that, I’ve done NOTHING related to this client.

So one of his paralegals and I started scouring his office – to no avail. He is frustrated because he needs to call the client, and begins getting on me about MY workarea. Um, EXCUSE ME?

Then he brings up another client and how he is looking for another document – and knowing that I hadn’t seen that client’s name during my search for the OTHER client document, I told him I didn’t have anything. I know he doesn’t believe me. But I went through my entire desk AND my ledge where HIS stuff is and neither client has stuff in those places.

It makes me mad that when HE loses things he expects ME to drop everything and look for it, as though I’M the one that lost it in the first place.