It’s a New Year – Let’s Get It!

How was your New Year’s Eve?  Mine was JAM PACKED with fun!

At 9 p.m. I went to bed and slept until 11:45 p.m.

At 11:45 p.m., CootieGirl woke me up and demanded I go downstairs.

At 11:46 p.m. I glumly sat on the sofa watching TV, wishing I was still asleep.

At 12:00 a.m. we all said happy new year and watched New York City celebrate in the rain.

At 12:26 a.m. I got back in bed and went to sleep.


Hard to believe I’m the same person who, on December 31 1993, attended one of the best raves EVER to take place on the East Coast (Resolution) and danced the night away to some pretty amazing house music.  Ugh.  So fun.  But that was 25 years ago.  WOW.  25 years ago?  Really?  I can remember vivid details from that party, specifically the frenzied countdown to midnight in the big room, with 6,000 people screaming in joy when the clock hit 12am, before a bunch of us ran back into the smaller area to continue dancing to the amazing house music being played in there all night long.

But I digress.  Sorry about that.

New Year’s Day was a holiday, and what better fun on a vacation day but to untangle and organize about 100 extension cords?  In case you were wondering, that project takes about 3 hours for 2 people plus a third helping for an hour or so.  It was a daunting task, but we did it.  Now we just need to actually put away all our Christmas stuff.  The inside of the house is still fully decorated, and the outdoor stuff is all stacked on our back patio waiting for me to have the energy to even begin thinking about storing it away for another year.

Do I have resolutions for 2019?  Nope.  But I do have PLANS (which God will surely laugh at, but I’ll make them anyway).

I plan to grow in my role with a goal of getting promoted in 2020 (2021 at the latest).  2018 was a good year on the work front, and I hope it only gets better in 2019.  A lot of it will depend on what information I can learn when I spend a week in Atlanta in January to learn from someone already in the role.  If she is open and communicative, then I think I’ll be in a good place to come back and begin taking my office by storm.  Especially since the promotion is only mine to lose.

I’m hoping to continue to be involved in the life of my kids – but also to allow them freedom.  2019 is going to be a big year for them – my daughter will become a licensed driver and able to go out on her own, and it’ll mean placing my trust in her that I’ve raised her to make good decisions and surround herself with good people.  Similarly, my son will be getting his learner’s permit late in the summer of 2019, and so even as I get used to my daughter having teen freedom, I’ll be mentally preparing myself for my son to have the same.\

I’m looking forward to the April trip to England with CootieGirl and my parents, as well as possibly saving up enough money to finally replace all the carpets on our second floor (they originated in 1997 and are long overdue for replacement).  Although given the fact that Jacob the Cat just hurled all over the old carpets the other day makes me think that perhaps we should wait to do the carpets until CG moves out and takes her cat with her.  But that’s, like, 6 more years.  We’ll be walking on bare plywood subfloor at that point.  That’s how worn our 2nd floor carpeting is.

But really I just hope and pray that 2019 is a year of renewal, of restoration, of rejuvenation.  Not just for me, but for everyone.