Five Years Gone…

Yesterday was the fifth anniversary of the passing of my grandmother. Unfortunately, it falls on the same day as my mother’s birthday (similar to my grandfather’s passing taking place on my birthday many, many years ago). I didn’t want to post about GGMa the same day as my mother celebrated being the oldest she’s ever been up to this point. *lol*

Recently, CootieGirl showed me a clip of a barbershop quartet performance that she saw online, and it immediately reminded me of being a teenager, traveling to Myrtle Beach with “the bitties” (as I called my grandmother and her friends). I don’t remember WHY we went to Myrtle Beach, but there we were, and during our rascally adventures we came upon an outdoor barbershop quartet concert. Tickled pink, we all sat and watched the remainder of the concert, thoroughly enjoying each and every performance.

But what GGMa enjoyed the most was flirting with a young Citadel student who was sitting next to us. My grandmother (and her friend Nancy) (and her friend Thelma) (and her friend Mildred) (and her friend LaMere) had so much fun chatting him up, teasing him and getting to know him. The bitties may have even asked him if he wanted to continue hanging out with us as we left the concert to go find something else to do. Thankfully, he demurred. As a young teen girl, I was mortified and horrified but as an adult I can appreciate that GGMa and her pals had a who cares attitude about life. I can only hope that I have as much bravado and joie de vivre once I hit my 70s, 80s and 90s.

I miss the old gal.