Another Busy Day

Despite my previous two posts, it’s been a very busy morning. I came in this morning to find that Mr. BIL had cleaned up his desk. Oh, it’s still a mess, but I can actually see small portions of the desk surface, which I haven’t seen since I cleaned his whole office on New Year’s Eve Day.

He’s going to be out all day at a mediation. And by all day I really mean “all day” – this case is contentious on all sides and has SO many outstanding issues that I doubt it’ll be over before 4:00 p.m.

As of Monday I no longer work for Blondie Boss (woo hoo!) but I do work for a new associate that will be working in our office part-time (mornings only, Fridays off). She has a very unusual name – a bit pr()n star, a bit Dynasty. She does NOT match her name. I pictured, tall, tan, blue eyes and blonde. She is short, pale, wears glasses and is a brunette.

In other news, I just had a “Broadcast News” moment featuring myself (in heels today, no less) running across my entire floor, down the stairs, through the lobby and into the parking lot. Mr. BIL is having lunch with another attorney, and had a package he wanted to give to that attorney. He was scouring his office for it and couldn’t find it (no surprise – despite being “clean” his office is still a disaster). Well, just after he left to go down to the lobby, I looked in his office one more time and found it after about 30 seconds. I called reception and she said Mr. BIL was in the parking lot. At that point I FLEW downstairs with the package and with our receptionist’s help (she ran out to the parking lot to tell him to wait), I was able to give it to him.

Gold star for me today.

03 comments on “Another Busy Day

  • MB , Direct link to comment

    I think you are too good for Mr. BIL actually. Is he anything similar to what E*C was like here in NY with regards to the constant state of dishevelment (sp)?

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    MB – that’s a good comparison, but Mr. BIL is cleaner. What I mean by that is no fear of month-old lunches in Mr. BIL’s office. And (believe it or not) worse handwriting. But sheer AMOUNT of dishevelment? Mr. BIL has more space than E*C, therefore, more clutter. I’ll take a picture this afternoon.

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