A Double Coupon Day

Today I cut out a massive amount of coupons from the two Sunday papers. I think the 2/10 envelope is at least twice what my other five envelopes are from prior weeks. That’s awesome.

I haven’t logged into Grocery Game yet today, but we only have five things on our grocery list so I don’t know if I’ll even go out today. Rite Aid has a couple hair colors on sale, and I have coupons, so I may go out and get those to add to my stockpile. And Walgreen’s has an AWESOME sale on kitty litter (and I have two coupons) which will result in my paying $1 a bag!

I’ve also set aside some coupons to send to my sister – don’t know if she’s a big coupon user, but I know that diapers and wipes are expensive, so I’m sending those coupons up to her so she has a couple extra to use when needed.

Okay, let me go log in and see what kind of deals might be worth pursuing this afternoon. Will update when I get back!

One comment on “A Double Coupon Day

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    We get our diapers and wipes from BJs – their generic brand.

    Also, I looked into the grocery game, but the stores listed for our area are not where we shop – they’re always priced way higher than where we go normally even with their specials. So I opted not to play.

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