Okay, Sometimes God Freaks Me Out…In A Good Way

A few moments ago I was telling Denis that I’m attempting to get some freelance word processing work online. I signed up with Elance.com a couple months ago and never did anything with it. Last night I checked in, updated my profile, filled in more info, and promptly submitted my name to two jobs that I saw. I underbid significantly, telling the “employers” that I’m hoping they’ll pick my bid since I’m trying to get my foot in the door at the website. The underbid was high enough that I’m not cheap labor, but low enough that they might consider my bid.

So anyway, I was emailing Denis about the fact that I really hope some easy freelance work comes my way in the near future. I hit “send” on that email. I then hit “refresh” to update my inbox. And what is in my inbox? An email from a friend of mine who owns a company here in Charlotte. He emailed to ask if I’d be interested in some quick freelance work involving typing in 600 contacts into a database, and asked how much I’d charge for that kind of work.

You could have picked me up off the floor. Talk about an immediate answer to prayer!!!

05 comments on “Okay, Sometimes God Freaks Me Out…In A Good Way

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    That’s great. Nothing like immediate gratification. LOL And you probably don’t have to offer as cut-rate a price to this new request for work. How much could this one pay? You’ll be out of debt in no time.

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    What does one charge for that kinda work? I’m home for 3hrs before Anthony and this could fill a void and pay me for just keeping busy.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Ace & MB – go to Elance.com and see if it’s something you want to sign up for. It’s free to sign up, although you can surf through some jobs without signing up. Some workers have complete profiles that list out EVERYTHING – including their entire resume, pay requests and all that. I didn’t put that up there – I just put down the basics of what I do and what skills I have. That may be detrimental, but I’m hoping not.

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