The Jane Austen Series

I posted about how PBS is showing Jane Austen movies all this winter and spring. Ladies, “Pride and Prejudice” starts next week. Let your drooling begin.

I’ve been faithfully watching each week and I’ve noticed that some distinct preferences have come through.

Sally Hawkins appears as Anne Elliot, a woman destined for spinsterhood
after a proposal eight years earlier. Then her spurned suitor reappears.

“Persuasion” aired first. I had only ever seen the Ciaran Hinds (hot) version and didn’t like it very much at all. Despite Hunky Hinds, I thought that version was kind of meandering and way too long. This new version that aired on PBS? AWESOME. The perfect length AND I found new boyfriend Rupert Penry-Jones (playing the part Hunky Hinds played in his version).

Mansfield Park
After being sent to live at Mansfield Park, Fanny Price (Billie Piper)
navigates a labyrinth of intrigues and affairs among its occupants.

I didn’t like this new version AT ALL. I much prefer the film version that came out a few years ago starring Embeth Davitz as Mary Crawford (who was the villainness). The Davitz version (which had Frances O’Connor playing Fanny Price, the heroine of the story) got a lot of negative commentary for its attempt to change the story a bit (and even hinting that Mary Crawford might possibly go both ways, if you know what I mean). However, I felt much more in tune with how underhanded Mary Crawford is. I also loved the vulnerability that O’Connor brought to her Fanny. I admit I haven’t read the book, so I’m sure the PBS version was much more FAITHFUL, but the Davidtz version was much more ENJOYABLE. Plus, it has Jonny Lee Miller. HELLO.

As we all know, the Colin Firth version of “P&P” is the best there is. But I admit curiosity about “Sense and Sensibility”, which airs sometime in March. I loved the Emma Thompson/Hugh Grant/Kate Winslet/Alan Rickman version and am curious to see how this new version matches up.

How have you liked these new versions of old classics?

04 comments on “The Jane Austen Series

  • PrincessJami , Direct link to comment

    Oh, man, I missed Persuasion. Hopefully, they’ll reair it after this season is over? I thought Mansfield Park could’ve been better, but didn’t realize there was another version! I’ll have to watch the new Persuasion and the other Mansfield Park. Miss Austen Regrets chewed up our DVR…/sniffle Poor last two episodes of Pushing Daisies got eaten. Oh, right. Focusing. So excited for P&P. I think I’ll just watch it straight through, since I have it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    This is must see TV! I agree, the new version of Persuasion was much better than the Ciarin Hinds one. But, I did actually like the new Mansfield Park. The old one seemed somewhat dark to me. The show this past Sunday on Jane was good, too, but I was working so it didn’t have my full attention. May not watch all of P&P since I have seen it probably six times ~ not nearly as many times as you, right?

  • Uncle Bill , Direct link to comment

    I tried watching P&P with Kiera Knightly (sp ?) but turned it off after 10 minutes. She reminds me too much of Richard (John Boy) Thomas. Put a mole on her face and you’ll see what I mean.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Marmie – I’ve probably seen P&P a couple dozen times. So yes, much more than you’ve seen it. I started to watch the Miss Austen Regrets last night but fell asleep. Will try to finish it tonight.

    Uncle Bill – the KK version takes some liberties with interpretation, but is still pretty darn good. Worth trying to overcome your KK aversion. ๐Ÿ˜‰ And the Darcy in that movie is as close to Colin Firth’s perfection as can possibly be reached.

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