The Rest of My Day…

Looks like other than the next 45 minutes, the rest of my day is going to be light. Turns out Mr. BIL made an appointment off-site for 4:30 p.m. that will last at least an hour. So he most likely will NOT be back before 6 p.m.

I have no less than NINE letters in DRAFT mode sitting on my ledge waiting for his approval and signature. I’m doubtful he’ll approve and sign all nine before he leaves at 4 p.m. for his appointment, but you never know.

Estate binders? NONE went out. *sigh* I ended up doing dictate most of the day, and will spend my remaining two hours after he leaves doing the last two jobs he dictated yesterday.

My fingers, they ache.

I was able to take a nice lunch though – went up to the break room, heated up a WW entree and read 50 pages of my book. I was the only one in there for 45 minutes, which was AWESOME.