Speaking of Politics

Everyone has seen that “Yes We Can” video for Obama, right? I’m so sick of it. So I’m going to post about another one – it’s a Chicago political race. Apparently the Chicago Board of Review is less than stellar and his a bit of good old fashioned corruption (so says this particular candidate for the Cook County Board of Review).

Produced in the style of Jib Jab, this animated video for democratic candidate Jay Paul Deratany is much different than most candidate commercials. In the past, Jib Jab type videos have not been used as advertising – just satire and comedy. But Deratany opted to use this method to give his campaign some publicity as well as sum up his opinion of the current Board of Review.

You can see the clip of the Deratany Satire on GetFave.com here.

Deratany is an underdog candidate – no money, earnest message. So making a video that can go viral online was a great option for him. While the incumbents (Deratany’s opponents Joe Berrios and Todd Stroger, who are featured in the video) have all the money to go on TV airwaves, Deratany is appealing to younger voters who may be disenchanted by the Good Ol’ Boys who are currently in charge.

Interestingly, the video is being featured on a local Chicago search engine called GetFave.com, so with any luck it’ll really take off. Hopefully it will take off to a point where national candidates realize they, too, need to make a bigger impact with their advertising.