GirlMogul = Cute Slogan Shirts

The potential is huge. CootieGirl is a cute, smart kid, and I hope that her love of learning continues once she’s in school full-time (she’s certainly starting to get excited about riding the bus to school next year – she mentions it whenever she sees a bus in the morning, “Mama! I get to ride that bus next year!”). I admit that sometimes I see the shirts that some pre-teen girls where and cringe at the overly suggestive comments written on them.

I’d much prefer for a cute, smart and sassy pre-teen CootieGirl to wear a fun t-shirt that says, “I like math” or “Future Leader of the Free World,” as can be found at an online shop called Girl Mogul.

The philosophy behind GirlMogul is to empower young girls to think big – wanna be President? Hillary isn’t a fluke! Wanna be a brain surgeon? Dig in, girl! I love that rather than offering double entendres, GirlMogul offers a shirt that says, “I can hack your computer.” That shirt is quite possibly my favorite because between CootieGirl and CootieBoy they can destroy any computer at their command (they almost broke ours last week).