More Grocery Shopping

I went ahead and hit a couple stores today to pick up a few things. Target has Pop Tarts on sale – 8 ct. boxes for $1. They have a 50 cent store coupon available online, so each box was 50 cents. I picked up three boxes since I had three coupons, but when I got to the register I only had two coupons. My third one disappeared somewhere between my house and the checkout line. Oh well. I just kept the three and used the two coupons, so I got three boxes of Pop Tarts for $2.12. Still cheaper to get three boxes than one box at regular price.

I also went to Rite Aid to get some sale stuff – toothpaste for 25 cents, hair dyes (one for $3.99 and another one FREE with coupons and rebates). They have Reese’s candy on sale for 29 cents, and I had a coupon to BOGO Reese Whip, but I went to two Rite Aids and neither one even CARRIED the Whips anymore. Bummer, because Denis liked the one I got a few weeks ago and would have enjoyed a couple more for only 29 cents.

I then hit up Harris Teeter and Lowe’s. At Lowe’s I only got two things – Baker’s Joy cooking spray and a three pack of Dial soap. Spent $1.63 and had $3.29 in savings and coupons. At Harris Teeter I spent $9.72 and had $10.64 in coupons and savings. I had some frustration at Lowe’s because my list said that Charmin tissue paper was available for $5.49, but I only saw $7.49. Turns out that the Lowe’s circulars offer greenpoint program coupons, and had a $2 discount in the circular a couple weeks ago that would have taken the Charmin down to $5.49. Because I didn’t have that coupon I didn’t buy it.

So the totals for today:

Total Items: 14
Total Original Price: $49.44
Total Paid: $21.27
Total Saved: $28.17
Total Percentage Saved: 56%

Not bad.