More on Heath Ledger

So the Daily Mail UK has a long article going more in depth into Heath Ledger’s life over the past few months. According to the article he was devastated when he and Michelle Williams broke up last fall, and became increasingly out of it over the months that followed.

Some of the of the saddest sentences in the article:

Sources told Mail Online today that Ledger had been battling substance abuse problems – including an addiction to heroin – for some time.

“Heath was shattered by his split from Michelle,” the source told Mail Online, adding: “He became a recluse. He barely slept he was dealing with terrible mood swings.”

Ledger spent the past several months mourning the loss of his relationship with Williams and friends say he had become an introvert, who was headed in a downward spiral.

“Heath totally wanted to be on his own these past few months since he and Michelle split in September,” says a source. “She was very much in love with him, but the fact he continued to dabble in drugs kept their relationship from being one she could rely on.

That’s just awful.

One comment on “More on Heath Ledger

  • Nevis , Direct link to comment

    I know what you mean. It’s not like I *KNOW* Heath Ledger personally, but I just feel so shocked by his death. Kinda weird, but if it had been Brittney Spears or Lindsey Lohan, I wouldn’t be as shocked or saddened. I know I should cherish all life, but there just seems something so tragic about his death.

    Nevis’s last blog post..Gratuitous Nudity

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