Big Day

Today CootieGirl went to gymnastics with Daddy. CootieBoy didn’t even seem to notice, which is a good thing because if he knew where she was right now, he’d be ticked. Instead, he is in the other room watching cartoons while I sit here debating if I’m going to take him with me to go vote. My polling location is literally 1/2 a mile from my house, and hopefully won’t take too long (we only have 5300 people in this polling area – presume only half are gonna show up, that means 2650 people throughout the day which is pretty reasonable). I’m already dressed and just need to throw on a baseball cap and go. So we’ll probably leave and do that in a few minutes.

I’m up 1/2 a pound this morning, but I’m not surprised since dinner was HUGE last night (steak, baked potato (a mammoth one), glazed carrots and bread). Today I’m going to try and see if I can get the picture-in-picture to work on our big tv. If I can, I can run some easy exercise videos that don’t require much space during regular programming and get some exercise while watching American Idol or Amazing Race.

Today I’m going to be making some reservations for restaurants on our Disney trip. My family is being noncommital and someone has to do it – I have a feeling we’re NOT going to be able to get some reservations I want simply because they are not giving me the yes-or-no answers I keep asking for. So I’m just going to do it before all the spaces are gone (apparently people start calling as soon as their 180 day window opens up – we’re at day 120-something).

Today I also am meeting up with a local mom from my mommies forum to take some placemats off her hands. She posted that she didn’t want them, and they are cute enough that I thought the kids would like them, so I have to meet up with her to get them.

That’s all. Later!

02 comments on “Big Day

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    Go ahead with any reservations you care to make ~ they can always be changed.

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    Listen, I’ve already said we’re easy about the reservations since most of what you’ve talked about in terms of tea parties and character meals doesn’t apply to us. We’re pretty much letting you, the uber-planner, take care of it since you’re doing all the research.

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