LifeGroup Went Well

LifeGroup last night went well. Everyone loved Denis’ food (when do they NOT love Denis’ food), and after the Bible study everyone enjoyed the pumpkin cake. We only had one slice left!!

A new couple was at group last night. They have two kids and one on the way. I’m sure R/A are wondering if this group is for them (their ages match the group, but they are DINKs). The new couple was very nice and immediately jumped in to the discussion and had a lot of great comments to add.

It’s gonna get CRAZY when all six couples are in attendance – between the six couples there are 10 kids with one on the way. We’ll need to go to two babysitters since three of the kids are under 12 months old and one due in May.

As a result of eating a big dinner and cake, along with the arrival of my monthly friend (sorry, TMI, I know), I gained a pound from yesterday morning to this morning. But I know by Wednesday I’ll be back down as my body regulates. I told the ladies last night about my 30-day commitments and they were fascinated that I had been able to lose 6 pounds just by doing small things.

06 comments on “LifeGroup Went Well

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    Glad they liked the cake.

    Don’t worry about R/A. We have one single gal in our small group of 2 newlywed couples, one with a baby (us), and another couple that has been married for a while but just announced they’re expecting baby #1. I think mixed groups are fun and can be valuable to keeping our eyes open to people who are not like us (single, married, kids-no kids). We shouldn’t live in a bubble of sameness.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Our church does it differently – they like to have groups where the folks have a commonality – in our case, mid-to-late 30s, younger kids. We don’t have a lot of DINKs on our church, thus R/A’s addition to our group.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Our LifeGroup meal was:
    1. chicken lasagna rolls
    2. spinach salad
    3. mini corn on the cob
    4. pineapple cheese salad
    5. garlic french fries
    6. yeast rolls

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    No one ever needs to read about anyone’s “friend” on a blog. Even in passing.

    BTW, I see Amy listed as TBD in our Dead Pool. Is she in or out? If in, what’s her pick?

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