Please, No More OT This Week

I have a feeling I’ll be working late again tonight. Which is frustrating because I really don’t want to work OT tonight. It’s FRIDAY, for heaven’s sake. This week I will have worked after 6 p.m. FOUR NIGHTS out of five. Yes, I get paid OT, which is nice, but it’s Friday – it’s not a day to work late. However he has his ever-present list of things that “have to be done” and I wonder if he’ll stick to that or give up around 5:45 p.m. and tell me we’ll deal with it Monday. That’s my hope.

This morning Mr. BIL was looking for some notes for a meeting he had this afternoon. I told him I didn’t have them, and I was so positive I didn’t have them, I didn’t look. I told him all I had was the original conflict check email and my conflict check from Juris. He asks me to get that. So I pulled it out and…uh…his notes were paperclipped to that email and Juris check. Whoops!!!

I just started laughing and said, “Uh, I was wrong – I have them.”

“I KNEW it!” he cried. “You are SUCH a liar! That’s it. I want to you to write 100 times “I will not say ‘no’ without checking first.'”

In other news, I have instituted a “new” game here in the office. Young Attorney has a white board in his office. He has been very stressed with a case he’s working on, so to break the monotony I put up a quick game of Hangman on his white board a few days ago. It had his name in it, and yet it was Younger Attorney who guessed it. So then I put up a new one, and this time L-Train got it (it cracked me up when Young Attorney left me a voicemail with his guess of the letter “C”). So this morning I put a really long one up, and while the last word was difficult, Younger Attorney finally guessed it.

I’m happy the game is welcomed – I was worried that I was merely stressing Young Attorney even more than he already was. But my attempt to relieve the stress seems to be working just a tiny bit for those few moments when we try to avoid completely the hangman.

So you can feel like you are playing with us: here’s an online Hangman game