My Poor Fingers

My fingers are cramped from making a fleece blanket last night. So it was with little joy that I saw four dictation jobs in my queue this morning – including a 24-minute dictation job. That’s going to be painful.

Woke up early this morning (CootieBoy climbed into bed with us near dawn and proceeded to hog it as usual). Was able to get a few things done this morning in advance of company arriving this afternoon and this evening. During a cleanup in our closet, I found out that a cat (most likely Freddie) had peed in there – on some of my clothes which hung too low off the bar and dragged on the floor. Fortunately, they were not clothes I currently wear, unfortunately I know the smell will NEVER come out, so we pitched ’em. Damn cat. I moved all my clothes up to the top bar so that nothing is near the floor for him to target again.

Denis called a little while ago to confirm that the cleaning crew is in the house doing their thing. I’ll be leaving here in 15-20 minutes to relieve Denis so he can go pick up Ed at the airport.

Then I’ll be back to work on that 24 minute dictation, most likely skipping lunch AND working a bit late to get it done. *sigh*