So Much To Do!

It’s dawning on me just how much there is to do in advance of the weekend:

1) Ice the sugar cookies we made a couple nights ago
2) Put together 25-30 cookie giveaway packs for our guests to take home
3) Prep about 8 of the 12 appetizers we’re serving on Saturday night
4) Bake a pumpkin pie
5) Bake a chocolate eggnog pie
6) Clean the UPSTAIRS portion of the house (the cleaners tomorrow are only doing the downstairs)
7) Dye my hair (in honor of the holiday season I’m going RED RED RED)
8. Make two fleece blankets that Jen has to take back to VA with her
9) Wrap all Jaynee Family Christmas gifts

Sure, it’s only 9 items, but really it’s more like 16 when you consider we’re in need of prepping EIGHT of the things we’re serving on Saturday.

It sucks that I can’t take off on Friday to prep for the party. Normally I am able to take the time off, but this year I can’t, which is really wreaking havoc on the schedule. Add in company at our house on Thursday AND Friday night and I’m appropriately freaked out.

02 comments on “So Much To Do!

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    Don’t panic. We can help on Saturday. I was planning to help prep food and we can get Beau to work on the goodie bags. Jesse can watch from his highchair.

    It’ll get done, no worries!

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    Are you trying to scare off our house guests? We’ll be fine.

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