So Much For a Quiet Week

Despite it being a 3-day week at work for the holiday, Mr. BIL is crushing me with work today. It’s mostly due to the fact that he’s going to be out beginning at noon on Wednesday. I’ve been on the go just about all day with only one break while he was taking a phone call while I had to wait for his go-ahead on some things.

He just left for lunch, and now the debate begins over whether I take a lunch myself or try and do some stuff before he comes back. I may just stay – I have four dictations from last week that need typing up as well as a couple more documents that need editing.

Can Wednesday come soon enough?

*goes in search of Pop Tarts to have for lunch*

One comment on “So Much For a Quiet Week

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    Funny that. I thought it was going to be a slow week and I too was very busy at work today. I am off tomorrow… but working again on Wednesday. Hopefully **crosses fingers** Wednesday is a slow day.

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