Cameron Is Gone

I’m okay with Cameron being booted off “Dancing With The Stars” last night. I knew it was either him or Jenny Garth because you KNOW the Mormons are single-handedly keeping Marie Osmond on the show for now. I’m also okay with Cameron being booted because that means Edyta has been booted. I’m not a huge Edyta fan. She always looks miserably depressed/angry/resigned to be there. That’s no fun for the viewers.

I read a report yesterday that “DwtS” hasn’t been affected by the writer’s strike because the only writer they had was for the narrated intros before the dances. Apparently everything the hosts and judges say is non-scripted. I’m NOT surprised that Tom Bergeron is unscripted, but I always thought Bruno’s comments were so cheesy they HAD to be scripted. Same with Samantha in the backroom when she’s interviewing dancers post-performance.

Who knew?

04 comments on “Cameron Is Gone

  • Jean , Direct link to comment

    Although I am not watching this season, I must agree with you about Edyta. Last season, I thought it was because she was so pissed at being paired with Cliff Claven, but from the clips I’ve seen this month, Edyta just looks constipated all the time.

  • Stacy , Direct link to comment

    BOO! Marie must go! If she sticks around any longer, it will be just like Jerry Rice in season two…WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Stacy – I agree. However, I predict she’ll only go as high as Top 3. In my mind, Helio is the strongest, then Mel. So if Jenny goes next week (which would be a shame since her slow ballroom dances are as beautiful as Mel’s fast dances are spellbinding), then Marie will DEFINITELY go home the next week because all the votes that have been going to Jenny will definitely go to either Helio or Mel.

  • Stacy , Direct link to comment

    If there’s any justice in the world, for all that is good and sacred, I hope you’re right. 🙂

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