Well There Goes Friday

I was hoping that Mr. BIL and I could really crank out some stuff today. A few minutes ago he comes out of his office and turns off his light. Confused, I said, “You going to lunch?”

“Yes,” he replied. “But I’ll be out all afternoon.”


I’ve been working all morning to get things ready for his signature, with an eye on sitting down with him this afternoon to get it all out. And now I find out that he’s out for the rest of the day? That’s so frustrating. I heard him changing his voicemail earlier this morning to say he was out, but I thought that was just because his lunch meeting is going to be over two hours long. I didn’t know it was because he was OUT all day.

He has the afternoon blocked out in his Outlook calendar with a note saying “No meetings”, but I thought that was so we could get all this junk out without being interrupted.

And Monday looks to be a non-finishing day as well – he has meetings from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Monday, and he just asked me to set up ANOTHER meeting for 4:30 p.m. So the stuff won’t go out on Monday either. Which means I’ll have a cluttered up desk at LEAST until Tuesday.
