First Payment Has Arrived!

My first payment has arrived for my first Pay Per Post write-up. $20. The next deposit will be on Monday, for $10. And then just about every day after that I’ll have anywhere between $10 and $40 deposited into my PayPal account. That’s AWESOME. When it gets up to $300 (by mid-December) I’ll move it over to my checking account and apply it to my regular Discover bill payment.

So I guess Denis can eat his words. When I first told him about trying to monetize the blog to help pay some bills, he laughed and said it was a scam. Well, 30 days later I got my first payment and it’s nice to say “not a scam!”

In other news, I’m due another Bluehost Affiliate check in about three weeks. I average about 15-20 clickthrus per week on my Bluehost Affilate button, and have had four signups so far. If you are even THINKING about switching hosts, let me say right now that I HIGHLY recommend Bluehost. They are outstanding and their plans are amazing for the money you spend. Their customer service is also incredibly helpful and patient. The times I’ve contacted them I’ve had relatively quick resolution to the problem.