Another Shocking Toy Recall

It’s insane, and makes me not want to buy toys for my kids EVER unless they are handmade in the US or something they absolutely won’t EVER put in their mouths. This is why properly-age-based DVDs are sometimes the better gift.

Did you hear this one about the GHB-laced toys out of China?. It’s horrifying.

Since my kids are older and not teething and gnawing anything they could find, I’ve been kind of lacksidaisical about really trying to find all Chinese-made toys that may be lead-based. I’m sure we have a few that were included in that recall a few months ago. But my kids don’t chew on their toys (that often), so I haven’t worried about it.

But seeing a newstory about GHB being actively placed inside a children’s toy? That’s enough for me. Saturday’s agenda will be to go through EVERY TOY the kids own and if it says, “Made in China” it’s getting tossed in the garbage. I have a feeling they will have a VERY clean and toy-free room once we’re done.

It makes become even more awesome in my eyes since any toys on there are all handmade unique gifts that are lovingly made by CRAFTERS.

04 comments on “Another Shocking Toy Recall

  • miked , Direct link to comment

    that is so effed up… when I have kids they’re going to just get card board boxes to play with…. they’d be just as entertained but minus the death.

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    Fortunately we only have the hand-me-down toys you gave us. I figure they’re safe since your kids seem OK after having gnawed on them before Jesse.

    I have very few toys listed on Jesse’s wishlist. He doesn’t need them and until this mess is cleared up and done, I don’t want them in the house.

    That said, if you happen to find something adorable on Etsy, then feel free to get it. =)

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    Ok… so this was ALL over the news yesterday. After reading your post and watching a bunch of news clips on this GHB substance found in Aqua Dots, I have come to this conclusion.

    Survival of the Fittest!

    Did you know that one of the children that ate the Aqua Dot was a 20 month old baby? Who are the parents here? If the parents are that irresponsible then I really don’t want them procreating to begin with. End the gene pool with them. They are just going to have kids that are as stupid and irresponsible as they are. I agree, the poison shouldn’t be in the toy, but dag… don’t buy things for your kids that isn’t the age recomendation and if you have older kids make sure you put the stuff away when they are finished playing with it.

    Also, I saw a clip of the parents and they were laughing… oh ha ha you white trash family that can’t watch your kids and don’t know what they are doing. Stupid people!

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