On Finding Good Music

In my past I’ve been friends with musicians. After college I became friends with some guys (and dated one of them) who were in a band called The Throes. Then some of those guys left and started Poole. I also went out once with a guy who played some backup on their albums and later became a solo musician (also doing music with his wife once he got married). More recently I became good friends with one of the guys in Westbound Train, and in turn a friend of HIS who is in the band Toyko Rose.

Because of those guys, and their dedication to great music before (and after) they got signed, I’m a huge fan of unsigned, independent artists and bands. I like finding lesser known musicians and supporting them somehow.

That’s why sites like Unsigned.com are so important and helpful. The digital age now makes it possible for independent bands to be recognized and build up a following on the internet. On Unsigned.com practically every genre is represented – from Ambient to Metal, from Ska and House music. It’s so great to surf through this site and listen to samples of bands that you want to support. I have just skimmed a few of the categories thus far (Christian Rock, Emo and Alternative) and I’ll definitely be looking at other categories to see what is available.

Musicians and bands can list concert dates, website info, a full bio, contact info, and it also has a comment area. Much less cluttered that MySpace and better organized. If you know of any hardworking musicians who want to build a larger audience, this website is definitely the way to go – it’s like MySpace only…better.

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